7 November 2014

The Start of Implementation

After completing a literature review the previous week, my group and I began getting to grips with implementing our interactive device.

To begin with, we felt there were two key parts to the project that we should start with.

The first is being able to recognise a sheet of paper through the Kinect camera and track the paper as it moves. This is what the sub-team, to the right in the image above, were working on. It took a lot of time to get the Kinect set up and get the programming environment set up. Also, we wish to use OpenCV to do tracking and this took time to get set up. By the end of the week, this sub-team were able to have a Kinect camera feed fed into an OpenCV program. Next week, we aim to complete the basic paper tracking.

The second key part is being able to project onto the paper given the coordinates of the paper that are provided from the first part above. With another team member, this is what I worked on. At the end of the week, we were able to project a shape through the picture with coordinates that we predefined.

Next week, we aim to project onto paper and automatically adjust the coordinates of our projection based on the actual position of the paper. This will involve having to combine both this part with the first part above. This will allow us to have a very basic application that tracks paper and projects onto it as the paper moves.


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