25 October 2014

Flexible Surfaces Interaction - Group Plan & Literature Review

 This is our new idea! After our initial brainstorming sessions and deeper literature reviews, we have chosen to now focus on Flexible Surface Interaction as we think there is less research in this area and we have a novel idea to bring forward.

Summary of Idea
  • Projecting onto a flexible surface (e.g. paper)
  • Projecting onto a paper cylinder and being able to rotate the cylinder
  • Gesture interaction with the surface (e.g. making the cylinder virtually spin)
  • Folding the paper to different sizes
  • [Any findings would be relevant to future devices that are flexible]

Use cases: dynamically sized web pages, viewing a globe, flight paths, viewing timelines/history over time (as you spin), geometry education on curved planes/cartography education

  • Kinect
  • Projectors
  • Piezoelectric sensors to stick on back of paper

Literature Review

  • Summary: first paper is basically what we want to do, but we can extend on it by looking at the cylinder and folding ideas listed above.  Existing research either focuses on a device that changes shape (e.g. Bristol Morphees), so not gesture interaction, or just presents paper mock ups without actually having something that “works”

Year + Title + Link
Summary/ Interesting Findings/ Implications for our project
[2013] Flexpad: Highly Flexible Bending Interactions
for Projected Handheld Displays , LINK
Projects onto a flexible surface using Kinect (depth camera) and a projector. They are able to detect and analyse deformations in the surface in real-time thereby allowing them to project an adjusted image also in real-time. They present an algorithm that can be used to capture complex deformations in high detail and in real-time. This could be useful for our project.
[2013] Novel User Interaction Styles with Flexible / Rollable
Screens, LINK
Gathers feedback around flexible screens and potential technologies to use for implementation. No actual implementation.
Device uses a rollable display - they do not use a projector.
Has multiple modes and changes UI according to the mode it is in.
[2012] PyzoFlex: Printed Piezoelectric Pressure Sensing Foil, LINK
Used Piezoelectric pressure sensors in the form of a matrix to detect pressure and temperature. It is different to previous touch sensing that uses capacitive and resistive surfaces because it is able to ‘easily’ detect pressure.
[2014] FlexSense: A Transparent Self-Sensing Deformable Surface, LINK
This paper develops on earlier research on piezoelectric sensing (above). Using machine learning, they are able to detect the shape of the deformed surface.
Applications described: transparent smart cover for tablets, external high-DoF (Degrees of Freedom) input device


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